
Lessons are designed to help you connect student learning with the exciting changes happening in your salmon tank. The lessons are organized by suggested grade level, along with the relevant NGSS connections, or organized by the NGSS connections. You may notice that in some cases the suggested grade levels are more inclusive than the NGSS standards listed, and that is because these lessons can be adapted to fit the needs of multiple ages.

The lessons are organized by grade level and NGSS Performance Expectations are accessed by the following links:

Since Time Immemorial

We highly encourage teachers to connect Salmon in the Schools to existing (and required) Tribal sovereignty curriculum resources in Since Time Immemorial.  In particular, the following (elementary grade) resources, lessons or units fit well:

Salmon Videos

  Young Children

  Older Students

Tips and Tricks for Taking Kids Outside

Practical advice about going on nature field trips

Salmon Clipart

This gallery includes a small sampling of salmon art. If you don’t find what you need, search Google or Bing images. Be sure the image you select is for the salmon species your students are raising.

Additional Educational Opportunities 

See your Teacher Handbook.

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