While you may not be able to visit your local creek in person this year, that doesn’t mean that you can’t explore it virtually! Get ready to visit your local creek and learn about the watershed where your salmon were released.
This is a StoryMap intended for teachers and students who participate in Salmon in the Schools, and may not have been able to attend an in-person release this year, or perhaps who did but are looking for a bit of a deeper dive into their release site. After using the StoryMap students will have a better understanding of the issues facing their local creek, identify what salmon need to survive and obstacles to their survival, understand sources of urban stormwater pollution, and identify one action they can take to help salmon and prevent stormwater pollution.
Teacher’s Guide for Using Virtual Salmon Release StoryMap and Interactive Notebook
- The Virtual Salmon Release StoryMap can be completed either synchronously or asynchronously.
- An interactive field notebook is included along with the link. It is in PowerPoint, and can be shared with each student to fill out individually, or it could be done as a whole class. We can also provide it to you as a PDF if you would like to be able to print it out and write on it.
- In PowerPoint, the notebook should be viewed in “Normal View,” as if you were editing it. The sections where students are instructed to either write or to drag and drop items are editable, but everything else is locked.
- To get started, provide students with the StoryMap link:
- The link automatically opens the StoryMap. No account or logins are necessary.
- Once you’re in the StoryMap, you’ll automatically start on the first tab, titled “Welcome and Land Acknowledgement.” Scroll through the tab to read all of the sections.
- After completing the “Welcome and Land Acknowledgement” Tab, click on the tab along the top that corresponds with your Release Site.
- Finally, after completing all of the sections in your Release Site tab, click on the “How YOU Can Help Salmon” tab.