Outside of Seattle City Limits

A coalition of educators, agency staff members, and environmental advocates formed the “Salmon Education Alliance” (SEA) to administer the program throughout King County and some schools in adjacent counties.

Toward the end of the 2015-16 school year,  the leadership team decided to separate program administration geographically.  The configuration of the previous SEA region is divided into six regions with different funding models.

Please contact Matt Davidson, Program Specialist – School Cooperative Program, at Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for the contact information for your region.

You may find additional help at Bringing Salmon Education to Washington State Schools Funded by the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

  1. MidSound Fisheries Enhancement – covering Auburn, Kent and Highline School Districts – Peggy Lee.
  2. Foss Waterway Seaport – covering Tacoma Public Schools – Connor Runyan.
  3. City of Federal Way – covering Federal Way Public Schools
  4. Kitsap County – covering Central Kitsap Public Schools
  5. Sound Salmon Solutions – covering Mukilteo, Edmonds, Riverview School District and others – Kaelie  Spencer.


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